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Enrolling your dog at North Paw is easy!
Follow Steps 1-3 below.
If you need assistance, email us at:​

1. Read Attendance, Behavior & Health
Attendance Requirements
Dogs need to attend daycare least once weekly to remain enrolled. If dogs are within their first 1-2 months, attendance is twice weekly for acclimation. Occasionally we recommend or require a dog to attend more often in order for enrollment to continue.
If a dog is absent for more than 2 months, a new fecal test and behavioral evaluation may be required in order to assess if the dog can re-enroll.
This attendance helps dogs stay acclimated to the dogs, staff, and rules associated with the daycare. Exceptions can be made (i.e. away for travel). Families not adhering to this requirement this will be asked to find service elsewhere or may be charged a higher rate for service.
Dogs may not be enrolled at another daycare facility while attending at North Paw. This helps to reduce the spread of illness & with behavior consistency.
Behavior Requirements
At North Paw, we have dogs who love to run & jump, those who love to sniff and lounge, and dogs who fall between the aforementioned. Every dog is unique and most of our smaller dogs have never had the chance to be with a group of like-sized friends in a safe, huge outdoor play setting!
Dogs that attend daycare should generally enjoy or be curious about other dogs. They should also be friendly toward humans. A daycare setting is usually not compatible with moderate to highly anxious dogs.
We cannot accept dogs that have the following behaviors:
Any history of biting.
Obsessive barking.
Obsessive marking (compulsion to urinate on objects while indoors). Marking outdoors is ok.
Obsessive digging.
Resource guarding (protecting food, water dishes, toys or other items).
Bullying behaviors (i.e. rolling or nipping at dogs).
Eating rocks or swallowing of sticks (we have pea gravel & are surrounded by trees).
Climbing of flat, wooden fences (6 ft wooden privacy fencing surrounds the perimeter of the play yard).
Health Requirements
*Unless otherwise disclosed, all dogs must be in good health. We accept titers for immunocomppromised dogs.
Flea/Tick Preventative (must provide proof). We accept some collars. No essential-oil based alternatives including sprays or collars are acceptable as primary methods of prevention. Prevention must be applied 12 months of the year! Please talk with us if you have questions.
Rabies Vaccination
DAPP Vaccination
Bordetella Vaccination
Fecal panel screening WITH GIARDIA within past 6mo of enrolling/attending North Paw. Required every 12mo thereafter or dogs may not stay enrolled & will lose prepaid package days. Results will not be accepted if giardia is not included. Results must be negative.
Spay/Neuter by age 6mo
Health Recommendations
Lyme Disease Vaccination!
Canine Influenza Vaccination
2. Dog Profile & Records
Dog Profile
Download the Dog Profile & email it back completed to Profile:
You or your vet should email records to include:
vaccination requirements mentioned above
proof of flea/tick prevention (receipt)
results from a fecal parasite screening test from within the past 6 months (*must include screening for Giardia). If your dog has not had a fecal test done within the past 6 months we can still proceed to the next step however you will need to complete this test prior to your dog coming to North Paw.

3. Intro Meeting
This is YOUR opportunity to:
Meet the Owner of North Paw.
See where your dog will be spending their time.
Ask every question you can think of.
This is OUR opportunity to:
Meet your human family.
Meet & interact with your dog (dogs are required to attend, we ask that cats remain home).
Follow up on paperwork.
Assess if we should proceed to a 1st day of daycare.
*We offer Intro Meetings/tours to serious prospective clients who have completed Steps 1 & 2. Intro Meetings are scheduled on the weekend so our focus remains on the animals in our care while the daycare in active Mon-Fri.

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